Monday, August 26, 2013

New Compassion Team focuses on connecting with prisoners through letter writing

inside-outside There is a new Circle of Hope Compassion Team! The Inside-Outside team plans to pair an incarcerated individual with someone from the Circle of Hope community to engage in written correspondence. They will partner with the Pennsylvania Prison Society and the Chaplain's office at the Philadelphia county jail facilities. The purpose of the team is to provide encouragement and support for the incarcerated individual. Many times people who are incarcerated, especially for an extended period of time lose their close family and friend connections and can benefit greatly from an intentional, compassionate relationship. The second purpose of the team is for the Circle of Hope community to become more aware of the social justice issues entangled with mass incarceration in a very tangible and authentic way. By engaging in the letter-writing program people at Circle of Hope can help to dispel the stereotypes common to incarcerated people and work to humanize the entire situation. Fostering a connection between someone "inside" and someone "outside" can be mutually beneficial and this program holds that as it's final goal.

For more information or to join the team contact Julie Smyth.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Several Circle of Hope members join the school funding rally

Hundreds of protesters gathered on Thursday afternoon outside of Comcast to speak out to elected officials who are not doing what it takes to fully fund Philadelphia Public Schools. The march traveled by City Hall and concluded at The School District of Philadelphia. For the Love of Childs compassion team mobilized several Circle of Hope members to join the rally. Among the group was Tricia Fussaro, a ten-year veteran teacher with the School District of Philadelphia.

For the Love of Childs support has also been keeping Circle of Hope's network updated with developments and action campaigns to support the schools, including calling and meeting with elected officials, writing letters, and circulating petitions. (For more information on yesterday's really visit the Public School Notebook.)

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Breaking Records in South Philly!

On Saturday, August 17th, 200+ parents, children, and volunteers gathered at Circle of Hope's Broad and Washington space for another FREE Baby (+ kid) Goods eXchange—the largest group ever for that location! Participants shared bags and bins full of clothing, toys, and books to share with other parents. Many brought bags of grocery bags to share as well. For over nine years, Circle of Hope and Circle Thrift have partnered to host regular opportunities for parents to pass along what their children no longer need, and pick up what they can use for the next season. Now offered on a monthly basis at various locations, all FREE Baby (+ kid) Goods eXchange events are organized and staffed completely by Compassion Team volunteers. During Saturday's exchange, many expectant and new parents were able to benefit from shared resources and make new connections.

To receive invitations for future events, like the facebook page at

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Trials and Temptations of Women in Leadership

On Saturday, teaching pastor Dr. Gwen White and executive dean of Eastern University, Debra Heath Thorton led us to consider "the trials and trauma of women in leadership." They spoke candidly about some of the challenges that many women face in leadership, particularly in Christian settings. They led us to see that it is possible for women to pursue wholeness in Christ and lead out of their giftings by listening to God and working it out in community. Gwen and Debra asked questions like, "Is your cell a safe place for women to explore their gifts?" and encouraged ongoing dialogue.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Making partnerships with other churches

GEDSC DIGITAL CAMERAMembers of the Conoy BIC (Brethren in Christ) youth group blessed Circle of Hope Compassion Team with their hands, feet, and love! The team of five youth and three adults spent an afternoon in the G.W. Childs School library. The group entered books into the electronic catalog system (finishing the wall of young adult fiction) and alphabetized the entire section of children's books! The next day the group volunteered at Circle Thrift Broad Street for several hours. We are grateful for our partnership with Conoy BIC, which has flourished this summer!

From Megan Rosenbach.